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[Android] "completable java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot access database on the main thread since it may potentially lock the UI for a long period of time." 에러 해결

Room DateBase 에 접근할 때 Main Thread 에서 하게 되면 오류 발생한다.


[해결 전]

DataRespository class 에서 Room 에 접근하려고 할 때 '~.subscribeOn(schedulerProvider.io())' 코드를 빼먹었더니

오류 발생함.


[해결 후]

'~.subscribeOn(schedulerProvider.io())' 코드 추가.





Android Room database RxAndroid, Exception : java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot access database on the main thread since

Currently, I am fetching data from Web API using RxAndroid and Retrofit, and want to store that Data in Room database but getting an exception As I search and found that, room database operations ...
